The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) and the employers we represent believe that an excellent public education system is the essential foundation of a sound and equitable economy. We promote and support continuous improvement in our schools and innovation that is needed to ensure that every student receives a high-quality education that prepares them for success in college, career, and citizenship.
In addition to our member companies, MBAE has built a substantial business coalition, the MBAE Affiliate Network, to present a unified voice of business on education policy issues. These groups joined as MBAE Affiliates in response to their members’ concerns about education and the workforce. They share our commitment to ensuring every student gets the education they need to be successful.
Our Goals

• Close racial and socio-economic education achievement and opportunity gaps.
• Connect what students are learning to career opportunities and workforce needs.
• Increase economic mobility for historically marginalized communities.
• Build the most educated and diverse workforce pipeline in the country.
Our Accomplishments
MBAE was established in 1988 by business leaders concerned that the Commonwealth’s public schools needed substantial reform to produce graduates capable of leading a 21st century democracy and economy. By 1991, MBAE had developed a comprehensive school reform proposal, Every Child a Winner, that became the framework for the Education Reform Act of 1993, a national model for education reform that catapulted the state to top in the nation in student achievement.
Over the past thirty five years, MBAE has continued to press for state education policies directed at closing persistent racial and socio-economic education achievement gaps and workforce readiness gaps that are barriers to upward economic mobility. We support greater alignment of learning with real world expectations so ALL students are prepared to be productive citizens, join and lead the workforce, and earn a family sustaining wage that will enhance their own and our state’s economic well-being.