Tricia Lederer

October 1, 2008

Educating a 21st Century Workforce: A Call for Action on High School Reform

Released in 2008, this report includes a plan of action for the business community created by a commission of employers convened by MBAE. The commission found that meeting the challenge of preparing all students for college and career will require […]
October 1, 2006

Preparing for the Future: Employer Perspectives on Work Readiness Skills

For this report, released in 2006, MBAE examined existing information about employer driven definitions of key standards for high school graduates in the areas of basic academic skills, technical skills, and work readiness skills and conducted focus groups with Massachusetts […]
July 1, 1991

Every Child a Winner

In 1991, MBAE proposed this detailed reform plan as the basis for what would ultimately become the 1993 Massachusetts Education Reform Act. In it, MBAE calls for high standards, accountability for performance, and equitable distribution of resources among school districts. […]