Tricia Lederer

February 15, 2017

Our Policy Agenda

In this issue:  MBAE 2017-2018 Policy Priorities | Speaker DeLeo’s Early Ed Proposal | Supporting Excellent Teaching As the legislative session gets underway, MBAE shares concerns raised in a Boston Globe Editorial on Sunday about a bill that would roll […]
January 31, 2017

Changes Would Weaken Teacher Evaluation

A proposed change to the state’s teacher evaluation regulations would substantially weaken them and make it harder to achieve the critical goal of ensuring every student in the Commonwealth is taught by a highly effective teacher every year. In written […]
November 17, 2016

2016 MA Employer Survey on Education and Workforce Readiness

The MassINC Polling Group conducted three focus groups and an online survey of business executives in Massachusetts on the topic of public education and workforce readiness.  The survey was distributed by more than 40 business associations across the state to […]
October 27, 2016

“Why Massachusetts schools beat Rhode Island”

This article from the Providence Journal, comparing the differences between Massachusetts’s and Rhode Island’s education reforms, makes reference to the early work of the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education under Jack Rennie’s vision and leadership. It also states that “test […]
October 20, 2016

“The missing piece of education reform”

In this guest article featured in the most recent issue of Commonwealth Magazine, Ed Moscovitch, chairman and co-founder of the Bay State Reading Institute, presents a detailed discussion of a “key finding about superintendents and principals” and its “enormous implications […]
July 1, 2016

SJC Overturns AG’s Certification of Common Core Ballot Question

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court issued a ruling today in favor of the ten plaintiffs who appealed the Attorney General’s certification of the ballot measure that would repeal the common core education standards in Massachusetts. The Massachusetts Business Alliance for […]
May 20, 2016

Challenge Filling Jobs

In this issue:  MBAE Members in Action | News Worth Highlighting “In the first five years of the 2010 Challenge, we’ve learned that creating jobs is not the constraint; filling them is.  Massachusetts companies cannot fill current open job requisitions […]
March 23, 2016

Harvard Study Shows Educator Support for Common Core

“I firmly believe that the Common Core State Standards provide a strong foundation for a high quality STEM education,” Revere High School math teacher Will Schwartz, also a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teaching Fellowship, told the […]
March 23, 2016

Harvard on Common Core

In this issue:  Harvard Study Shows Educator Support for Common Core | MBAE Supports Vocational-Technical Education Proposals | News Worth Highlighting “I firmly believe that the Common Core State Standards provide a strong foundation for a high quality STEM education,” […]
February 24, 2016

Workforce Challenges

In this issue:  Public Comment on Draft Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards | MCAS 2.0 – Stakeholder Input | Financial Literacy Summit A recent Boston Globe story underscores the critical need for reinvention of our K-12 education system. Baby […]
January 28, 2016

Common Core Ballot Question Threatens Student Progress

Flying mostly under the radar in recent months, the ballot measure that would repeal the Common Core has escaped the close examination it deserves.  If passed, it would have a devastating impact on Massachusetts schools, upending every district in the […]
January 27, 2016

Common Core and Other Hot Topics

In this issue:  Common Core Ballot Question Threatens Student Progress | Beacon Hill Focus on Education | Helping Mentors Prepare Kids for College/Career MBAE, through our Future Ready initiative, is a proud member of the Alliance for Vocational Technical Education, […]
January 26, 2016

Statement on Appeal of AG Certification of Common Core Ballot Question

  (Boston) January 22, 2016 — The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) supports the taxpayers’ appeal of the Attorney General’s certification of the Common Core Ballot Initiative Petition 15-12 to the Supreme Judicial Court for three reasons: First, we […]
December 17, 2015

New Responsibilities and Opportunities

In this issue:  State education policy grows more important | MCAS 2.0 and a new resource for parents | Looking ahead As 2015 comes to a close, we want to thank you – our readers, supporters, partners and friends – […]
September 24, 2015

Boston Superintendent Chang “praised the PARCC exam”

The Boston Globe reports that new Boston Public Schools Superintendent Tommy Chang “praised the PARCC exam” in an interview.  Chang told the Globe that PARCC is “far more robust at assessing critical thinking for our kids’’ and that he “supports Common Core standards […]
September 21, 2015

MBAE Response to Preliminary PARCC Results

Statement can be attributed to Linda Noonan, Executive Director, MBAE September 21, 2015 – The preliminary PARCC results released today don’t come as a surprise. This is a rigorous, complex, high-quality test that is aligned with the higher standards in […]
September 20, 2015

Editorial Calls for MA to Adopt PARCC

On September 20, The Standard-Times published a strong endorsement of PARCC in an editorial “Mass. should adopt PARCC.” Citing conversations with local educators and administrators, the editorial says “As we hear more and more educators and parents give Common Core a chance, […]
September 2, 2015

MBAE Opposes Common Core Ballot Question

Today, the Attorney General certified Initiative Petition 15-12, a ballot measure that seeks to repeal the state’s 2010 adoption of the Common Core State Standards.  This action would: repeal the state’s college and career ready education standards and return to the […]
May 18, 2015

WCVB-TV Editorial: State of Massachusetts’ Education System

Originally published on | Bill Fine, WCVB-TV President and General Manager. Gov. Deval Patrick proudly touts the state’s education system, citing high student test scores and graduation rates.  And rightly so.  Massachusetts has consistently ranked toward the top. That lofty […]