Tricia Lederer

July 14, 2014

New Standards Require a New Assessment

The early deadline for districts’ to choose giving the PARCC test or the now 17-year-old MCAS exam next school year has passed. As of June 30th, 297 districts have made a binding decision of which assessment to administer next spring […]
June 30, 2014

Using Assessments to Inform Instruction

Laura Slover, CEO of PARCC, Inc., the nonprofit managing the assessment project for the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) states, began her career as a high school English teacher.  In a recent update, she wrote about […]
June 30, 2014

Spend Time on the Right Test

This spring, about 81,000 Massachusetts students took the PARCC (Partnership for Assessing College and Career Readiness) exam for a test-drive. Some schools only took PARCC, some the usual MCAS tests, some both. As districts consider whether to administer PARCC or […]
June 22, 2014

Transforming Human Capital Key to School Improvement

The Boston Public Schools have a plan for driving improvements in the city’s schools that is both exciting and likely to bring about very positive results for children.  Interim Superintendent John McDonough and Assistant Superintendent for Human Capital Ross Wilson […]
June 22, 2014

Teacher Prep Review Charts Course to Improvement

For the second year, the National Council on Teacher Quality has reviewed 2400 teacher education programs across the country and found many lacking. Findings released last week reveal mixed results for Massachusetts.  The good news is that the Commonwealth is making […]
June 19, 2014

MA Department of Higher Ed Joins Higher Standards Coalition

The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education and a dozen college and university presidents announced last week that they have “joined more than 200 college and university leaders from 30 states in a new coalition, Higher Ed for Higher Standards, to […]
May 29, 2014

New Research Report Endorses Common Core in MA

Today Massachusetts’ education standards received a significant endorsement from the non-partisan, independent Worcester Regional Research Bureau. The bureau’s new report, Toward a Common Understanding of the Common Core, examines the origins and merits of the Common Core standards, and concludes […]
May 19, 2014

Prepared for College? Massachusetts 12th Grade NAEP Results

There is a new measure from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tying 12th grade results to college preparedness.  In 2009, for the first time, NAEP reported state results for 12th Graders from 11 volunteer pilot states including Massachusetts, […]
May 18, 2014

Beacon Hill Update

Budget Moves to Senate; House to Act on Bill to Improve Student Achievement May is always a busy month, but it is especially so this year as legislators work to complete the Massachusetts Budget for fiscal year 2015 and wrap […]
May 15, 2014

Time for Truth in Assessing College and Career Readiness

We routinely teach our children the importance of honesty and telling the truth, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable.   But, for years, we have been giving our children the false impression that passing the MCAS exams and earning […]
May 7, 2014

DESE Seeking Volunteers for Educator Licensure Working Groups

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has issued a call for volunteers to join Working Groups that will develop recommendations for subject matter knowledge required for educator licensure.  This is a critically important endeavor with the potential to […]
May 1, 2014

PARCC Answers Questions

In late March, Rick Hess, Director of Education Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute,  wrote a column in Education Week with three questions for the two consortia of states that have developed assessments aligned to the Common Core State […]
April 28, 2014

New Action to Improve Teacher Preparation

The U.S. Department of Education is moving forward with a plan to improve the recruitment and preparation of our nation’s teachers.  This is welcome news since educator preparation programs have been shown to lack the rigor and training needed for […]
April 28, 2014

PARCC a Topic for Dept. of Elementary & Secondary Education Board

Commissioner of Higher Education Richard Freeland is joining the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) at their monthly meeting tonight to discuss “options for transition of the high school Competency Determination (CD) requirements – that is, the state standards […]
April 2, 2014

An education model worth exploring

Originally published in the Boston Globe |  APRIL 02, 2014. By Scot Lehigh. AFTER TWO decades of education reform efforts, it’s useful to have an outsider’s perspective — particularly when that outsider has had as wide-ranging a career as international education expert Sir […]
April 1, 2014

Time to take a new educational approach in Massachusetts

Originally published in the Taunton Daily Gazette | April 1, 2014. By Linda Noonan. On many measures of student achievement, Massachusetts schools are the best in the nation. We are rightfully proud of that accomplishment, but have work ahead to […]
April 1, 2014

Despite Lofty Scores, Massachusetts Advised to Set New Ed. Goals

Originally published in Education Week | April 1, 2014. By Sean Cavanagh. Even though Massachusetts is one of the highest-flying states by academic reputation and test-score rankings, it needs to shake up how it operates and push ahead with a series […]