Mass EdForum

June 19, 2020

Condemning racism, supporting demands for racial justice

The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education condemns systemic racism and supports demands for racial equality and justice. The spotlight put on racial injustice in recent weeks is long overdue and should extend to a full examination of disparities in all […]
May 20, 2020

Vocational Technical Educators Get Creative with Remote Learning

As the state moves into its 10th week of school closures, educators at the state’s vocational technical schools are getting creative with remote learning. Replicating hands-on learning with tools and machines like those used in vocational technical classrooms is nearly […]
April 22, 2020

Schools are closed: time to maximize remote learning opportunities

Yesterday, Governor Baker made the expected announcement that schools will be closed through the end of the school year. This was the right decision for the safety of students, teachers and families. The Governor also rightly made clear that this […]
April 9, 2020

Learning must move forward during school closures

The coronavirus has caused an unexpected and unprecedented upheaval in our schools. Without exception, the health and safety of our students, teachers, and their families is the number one priority. We applaud and appreciate districts’ extraordinary efforts to deliver meals […]
April 6, 2020

Taunton Area Chamber of Commerce Joins MBAE Affiliate Network

MBAE is pleased to announce that the Taunton Area Chamber of Commerce has joined our fast-growing business affiliate network that now includes 35 chambers of commerce and industry associations collectively representing more than 31,000 employers across the state.  MBAE Affiliates […]
February 18, 2020

Massachusetts Considers Changes to the High School Graduation Standard

MBAE’s Ed Lambert is serving on the advisory committee that will assist Commissioner Riley in developing his recommendations to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education regarding what level of achievement students will need to demonstrate on the next-generation high […]
January 7, 2020

MJ Ryan from Partners HealthCare Joins MBAE Board of Directors

The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education elected MJ Ryan, Sr. Director for Workforce Development and Economic Opportunity for Partners HealthCare, to our Board of Directors.  MJ is the current Chair of the Boston Health Care Careers Consortium and a member […]
November 7, 2019

MBAE Priorities for a Final School Funding Reform Bill

MBAE sent the following letter to state lawmakers this week as a conference committee debates a final school funding reform bill.  Dear Legislator, The Student Opportunity Act, a bill intended to address funding inequities identified by the Foundation Budget Review […]
November 4, 2019

Prioritizing Equal Access to Computer Science Education

A recent opinion piece in The Hill by Allison Scott and Julie Flapan makes an excellent case for expanding access to computer science education, a top priority of MBAE. In “Diversifying tech starts with ensuring equitable computer science education,” the […]
October 10, 2019

BayCoast Bank’s President and CEO Joins MBAE Board

Nicholas Christ, President and CEO of BayCoast Bank, was elected to the board of directors of the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE).  BayCoast is a community bank serving SouthCoast Massachusetts and Rhode Island.  Mr. Christ has over 40 years […]
October 2, 2019

Business groups press the Senate to amend the school funding bill

On Thursday, the Massachusetts Senate will debate the most important legislation dealing with our state’s education system in more than twenty-five years.  An Act Relative to Educational Opportunity provides a rare chance to take aggressive action to close persistent gaps […]
September 18, 2019

Find out how your district distributes funding to schools

MBAE created the School Spending Explorer to enable users to compare school spending within and across districts to determine whether schools are getting equitable funding and to evaluate the relationship between spending and outcomes.  Learn about funding in your schools […]