Mass EdForum

March 25, 2013

Technology Can Supercharge School Improvement

It has become a truism to say that schools are the only sector that citizens of 2013 could visit that would look like they did 150 years ago, when fewer students graduated from high school or college.  Yet today society […]
February 25, 2013

Governor’s Education Funding Plan Needs More Work

Whether or not you agree with the revenue proposals in Governor Patrick’s FY14 state budget, business leaders can support the priority given to improving education from pre-K through higher ed.  A high quality education system is an engine of economic […]
January 23, 2013

Computer Science Still Missing from Proposed New Standards

ACT NOW!  Comments on the Second Draft of the Next Generation Science Standards are due January 29!   Contact me for a draft letter you can personalize and instructions for submissions!  In Massachusetts, “computer systems design and related services” is the […]
December 3, 2012

Youth Unemployment in Massachusetts Doubles

Education and access to employment opportunities during teen and young adult  years help young adults obtain the job readiness skills that they will need for long-term success. A report released today by the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center and The Annie E. Casey […]
November 29, 2012

Can Competency Based Learning Fill Jobs?

Texas Governor Rick Perry thinks so!  And, as surprising as it may seem for someone on the opposite side of the political spectrum, I agree with him.  What he has proposed in his Skilled Workforce Initiative is a fast track system for earning […]
November 20, 2012

Report Measures Progress on State’s Education Data Systems

Posted by Ishara Casellas-Katz on November 20, 2012 · Leave a Comment Data is an essential tool for teachers and school leaders as they work to bring about positive student learning outcomes.  Last year MBAE Board Member Beth Gamse blogged […]
November 13, 2012

Lessons from Finland

MBAE has been pleased to public blog posts from members of the Massachusetts education delegation to Finland and Sweden.  Last week, almost a month after our trip, some of us presented our “take aways” to members of the Massachusetts Association […]
November 7, 2012

Visit to a Swedish Charter School

Posted by Maureen LaCroix on November 7, 2012 · Leave a Comment This guest blog shares “random commentary on what we learned” by Maureen LaCroix, Retired Superintendent of Schools, The MA Delegation to Finland and Sweden Visits Gymnasium School: Viktor […]
October 12, 2012

Cornerstones of Education Policy in Finland

After two school visits in Finland, we visited government officials and Helsinki University to learn about teacher preparation education. Then it was off to Sweden via overnight ferry! What a trip! Some reflections from a busy couple of days: Our […]
October 11, 2012

Entering Teaching Profession in Finland a Rigorous Process

This guest post by Emily Parks, Assistant Superintendent in Westwood Public Schools, is another in a series by members of the Massachusetts Education Delegation touring Finland. During our time in Finland, again and again, we have heard from Finnish educators and […]
October 9, 2012

Finnish Culture’s Influence on Education System

Posted by Representative Jennifer Benson on October 9, 2012 · Leave a Comment This guest post by Massachusetts State Representative Jennifer Benson is another in a series by members of the Massachusetts Education Delegation as they tour Finland. After 2 days, 2 […]
October 8, 2012

Visit to the Lauttasaari School

Our tired but cheerful group arrived at Helsinki yesterday at 5:30 p.m. after about 13 hours of traveling. We enjoyed a salmon dinner and good night’s sleep and were ready to go this morning! My day started with a visit […]
October 8, 2012

Perspective Matters

MBAE welcomes this guest blog post from Julia de la Torre, Executive Director of Primary Source, one of the organizations that has organized the Massachusetts Education Delegation’s tour to Finland.   Every  time I step foot outside of my home […]
October 6, 2012

Lessons from Finland

Finland is known as an international success story as a result of reforms instituted decades ago that led to top scores on the PISA exams. A good summary of their “whatever it takes” attitude is in this Smithsonian Magazine article. […]
September 19, 2012

News on MCAS Scores

Although many of us tuned in this week to learn the results of the 2012 MCAS exams and were pleased to find continued growth in the number of 10th grade students reaching proficiency in ELA (88%) and math (78%), there […]
September 11, 2012

Readiness for Workforce a Shared Responsibility

Posted by Joe Esposito on September 11, 2012 · Leave a Comment In his opinion column in The New York Times, Tom Friedman wrote again about how the game has changed and how Americans have to be prepared for new jobs […]
September 2, 2012

Teacher Sets High Expectations For Students

This post is part of a series by Teach for America corps members teaching in Massachusetts schools. Throughout elementary and middle school, my dad often dropped me off in the carpool line.  And each morning, before he let me say […]
July 2, 2012

Key Drivers of Successful School Turnarounds

Posted by Scott Given on July 2, 2012 · Leave a Comment (The Boston Globe recently featured a story about the struggles of turning around a failing school.  We are pleased to give Scott Given, the CEO of nonprofit school […]
June 27, 2012

Reports Spotlight Need to Better Prepare Students for Careers

Posted by Tricia Lederer on June 27, 2012 · Leave a Comment Reports Spotlight Need to Better Prepare Students for Careers Education is an economic issue. Simply put, today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce. Two reports released yesterday offer compelling proof […]