
April 23, 2013


Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) announced on April 12 that it will honor the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) with its Legacy of Leadership Award at the association’s 98th annual meeting on May 10th, in recognition of MBAE’s 25 […]
December 3, 2012

Youth Unemployment in Massachusetts Doubles

Education and access to employment opportunities during teen and young adult  years help young adults obtain the job readiness skills that they will need for long-term success. A report released today by the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center and The Annie E. Casey […]
November 20, 2012

Report Measures Progress on State’s Education Data Systems

Data is an essential tool for teachers and school leaders as they work to bring about positive student learning outcomes.  Last year MBAE Board Member Beth Gamse blogged about a report from the national Data Quality Campaign (DQC) on states’ progress […]
September 19, 2012

News on MCAS Scores

Although many of us tuned in this week to learn the results of the 2012 MCAS exams and were pleased to find continued growth in the number of 10th grade students reaching proficiency in ELA (88%) and math (78%), there […]
June 27, 2012

Reports Spotlight Need to Better Prepare Students for Careers

Reports Spotlight Need to Better Prepare Students for Careers Education is an economic issue. Simply put, today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce. Two reports released yesterday offer compelling proof that despite strong academic gains over the past twenty years, too many […]
June 7, 2012

Legislature Should Act to Avoid Ballot Fight

It is good news that Stand for Children and the Massachusetts Teachers Association have come up with a legislative proposal that both organizations can support to address the issues raised in Stand’s Great Teachers Great Schools ballot initiative. MBAE joined […]
January 23, 2012

The Critical Role of Community Colleges in Workforce Development

The connection between education and economic development is one that employers have emphasized for many years.  In fact, it is the reason MBAE exists – to provide every child the excellent education they need to prepare for the demanding jobs of an […]
November 16, 2011

Is Massachusetts on Track to Meet Race to the Top Goals?

One year ago, Massachusetts was awarded a $250 million Race to the Top grant that required implementation of far-reaching and some controversial policies with the goal of completing the unfinished work of education reform – closing achievement gaps and raising […]
October 16, 2011

Are Our Nation’s 12th Graders Prepared for College and Job Training?

Regional Symposium in Boston on October 24 to Look at NAEP and 12th Grade Academic Preparedness  Our nation is at a crossroads. A well-educated, highly trained citizenry is essential to maintain our democratic way of life and compete in the world marketplace. Postsecondary […]
October 12, 2011

Analysis of Teacher Policies in Springfield Public Schools

An analysis of Springfield Public Schools teacher policies and practices was conducted by the National Council on Teacher Quality for MBAE and Springfield Business Leaders for Education. The report found that improving the teacher evaluation system so that all teachers get feedback is critical, seniority rules are hurting new teacher recruitment, and the $127 million the district spends on compensation must be used more strategically.
August 22, 2011

Mass STEM Plan a Model for Others

Last week, the National Governor’s Association convened the “Massachusetts Learning Lab for Developing a State STEM Plan” in Boston. STEM “Teams” from nine states attended to share experiences and learn from Massachusetts to develop strategies for developing and implementing STEM […]
May 25, 2011

Top MA High Schools Preparing Students for College and Career

In a Washington Post ranking of public high schools that most effectively prepare students for college, the schools ranked #1 and #2 in Massachusetts were both charter schools.  Sturgis Charter Public School in Hyannis came in first in Massachusetts and […]
February 1, 2011

Impacting the Future

Reproduced from a special report sponsored by the James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy. Across the nation, thoughtful, state-specific strategies for Common Core State Standards implementation are being developed and put into action. Teachers, governors, business leaders […]
December 28, 2010

New Report: Poor Education Can Prevent Entry to Military

We have long known that an inadequate education prevents far too many young people in this country from getting into college and attaining a job with decent pay.  A surprising new study finds it also blocks another critical pathway to […]
December 9, 2010

Why Are Massachusetts Schools so Cash Strapped?

This morning, MBAE issued School Funding Reality: A Bargain Not Kept, our report on school funding and spending trends in Massachusetts.  We did the study to look at how the foundation budget was working and found that the explosive growth […]
September 21, 2010

Massachusetts Scores Triple Win in Promise Neighborhood Competition

Today, three Massachusetts organizations representing communities in Lawrence, Boston, and Worcester, were announced as recipients of a  Promise Neighborhoods Plannng Grant as part of a federal initiative to improve the education and development of children in the country’s neediest communities. Funding will […]
September 8, 2010

Massachusetts Leads the Way on New Tests

The usual critics have come forward to warn that the state’s leadership of a consortium that will be developing assessments tied to the Common Core State Standards is the end of MCAS.  This judgment is premature given  newspaper reports that quote […]