84% of Employers Say Schools Need Change
March 22, 2014The New Opportunity to Lead
March 24, 2014The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education is thrilled to announce the launch of the Future Ready Massachusetts website. The Future Ready campaign was created to help students, their families, teachers and their mentors access the tools and resources that will help them prepare for whatever postsecondary pathway they choose. The site helps those who understand the importance of college-and-career-readiness find out how to prepare by focusing on three key messages:
START NOW: It’s never too early or too late to start planning for your future
AIM HIGH: Students who challenge themselves through a rigorous course of study are usually the ones who go the farthest
LOOK BEYOND: Look outside the classroom for learning opportunities that support career pathway development.
Parents, mentors and other influential adults, will find links to programs, initiatives and opportunities available to help students prepare for success from early education to high school and beyond. The Future Ready Massachusetts website will be an essential resource in the campaign to ensure that all students will have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to succeed in college and career.
Future Ready Massachusetts is a joint initiative of the MBAE, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Higher Education, and MEFA, home of the Your Plan for the Future online planning tool.