Increasing Access and Equity in Computer Science
June 27, 2018Legislature Fails to Reach Consensus on School Spending
August 1, 2018MBAE is pleased to participate in a recently launched initiative from the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE) to identify high-value credentials in key growth industries and make this information more readily available to the public via the Credential Engine platform.
The High Value Credentials for New England initiative, funded by a grant from the Lumina Foundation, seeks to create more transparency about what are the valuable credentials in the life and biosciences, healthcare, information technology and business and financial industries. Students and workers can use the comparative data to make informed decisions and create pathways to careers.
MBAE is collaborating with NEBHE as a member of its Advisory Committee. This project dovetails with MBAE’s Credentials for Success campaign to expand opportunities for high school students to earn industry-recognized credentials tied to labor market demand. Our goal is to ensure students graduate prepared for success in our region’s knowledge-based economy, and to build a strong talent pipeline that fuels growth and opportunities in our companies and our economy.
The NEBHE initiative will identify high-value credentials awarded by higher education institutions and other third party providers, including industry associations, and upload them to Credential Engine’s Credential Registry.
States that participate will be given access to tools and technical assistance to publish credentials to the Credential Registry. Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island are expected to participate in the project.
Read more about MBAE’s Credentials for Success initiative here.