MA must define size & scope of learning loss, act urgently and innovatively to address it
January 26, 2021Join Us on April 8 for Beyond Reopening: What Will it Take to Address Student Needs and Accelerate Learning
March 25, 2021The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education supports Commissioner Riley’s move to get students back in the classroom in April. There is no replacement for in-person learning and it should be pursued vigorously when and where safe. This strong state action is an important step toward ensuring equal educational opportunities.
We appreciate that some districts might need more time than others to transition back to full time, and the Commissioner’s plan to allow waivers will accommodate that need. We’re looking forward to hearing more about what the Commissioner’s criteria will be for granting waivers.
Substantial federal funding will go a long way in both helping schools open and helping them put in place strategies to address student learning loss. Nearly a $1 billion in federal relief has already been made available to schools, with more federal money likely. We’ve got to leverage every penny of that money to do what is best for students which includes getting students back in school.