Achievement Gap

May 1, 2024

Opposition to ballot question growing

The state’s special legislative committee analyzing ballot questions decided today not to recommend approval of the ballot question that would eliminate a statewide graduation standard. The decision is the right one. In addition to this committee, the Governor, the Secretary […]
December 18, 2023

MBAE & MACP Host Conversation on Addressing Learning Loss

From declines in reading and math proficiency to an alarming surge in chronic absenteeism, the ongoing repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on student learning pose a significant threat to the future of our students, particularly those who were already behind […]
December 10, 2023

Accelerating Student Learning: The Need for Urgency and Innovation

The pandemic has had a deeply negative effect on learning across whole communities in Massachusetts for all students—regardless of racial/ethnic background, family income, or other factors. In certain communities, the percentage of students experiencing significant learning loss is quite large. […]
October 26, 2023

MBAE Hosts Top Leaders of Color to Discuss Solutions to Inequities in Education

As part of our ongoing efforts to shed light on long-standing educational disparities throughout the Commonwealth, MBAE, along with our partners at Latinos for Education and Education Trust in Massachusetts, recently hosted an event “Equity in Education: Building Education Pathways […]
September 6, 2023

Joint Statement Responding to MCAS Ballot Measure Certification

The following is a joint statement in response to the Attorney General’s decision to certify the ballot question that will eliminate MCAS as a high school graduation requirement from the following: Edward M. Lambert Jr., Executive Director, Massachusetts Business Alliance […]
July 11, 2023

MBAE Remains Committed to the MCAS High School Graduation Standard

The Massachusetts Business Alliance continues to support the requirement that students meet an MCAS standard in order to graduate from high school. The MCAS holds us all accountable for recognizing that all students can achieve if provided the right supports. […]
April 13, 2023

Healey Administration Awards new Innovation Career Pathways program designations to 27 high schools

The Healey Administration announced today the awarding of new Innovation Pathways program designations to 27 high schools across the state. In a statement, MBAE Executive Director Ed Lambert said, “Innovation Pathways programs offer vital exposure for our students to careers […]
March 27, 2023

Report finds gaps and inequities in computer science courses for MA high school students

Despite booming demand for workers in the good-paying computer science sector, just 5.8% of Massachusetts high school students are taking a computer science course, according to a new report commissioned by the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE). The study […]
March 22, 2023

Expanding Access to & Participation in Computer Science in Massachusetts: A State Level Strategy

In the 2020-2021 school year, just 5.8% of Massachusetts high school students were enrolled in a computer science course, urban schools were less likely to offer computer science than suburban and rural schools, and only 28.4% of students enrolled in […]
March 9, 2023

Governor Healey’s First Budget Supports Growth in Key Education Initiatives

Governor Healey’s first budget proposal (H.1) includes major increases in education and workforce development funding, making the significant connection between spending on education and college and career pathways and the state’s competitiveness. We know that these expenditures support both student […]
November 29, 2022

Read the Student Pathways to Success Policy Agenda

The Student Pathways to Success Coalition is dedicated to empowering students, particularly those from historically under-resourced communities, to thrive and prosper in the Massachusetts economy thereby closing wage and wealth gaps and promoting a more equitable Commonwealth. We are committed […]
October 27, 2022

Student Pathways to Success Coalition Aims to Connect Students to Opportunity

Today, MBAE and a cross sector group of organizations committed to educational equity, and that represent students, parents, educators, and employers, launched the Student Pathways to Success coalition. Together, we are committed to universal access to a meaningful and relevant […]
June 30, 2022

High School Redesign: Building Stronger Pathways to College and Careers

As state leaders seek to strengthen the Commonwealth’s pipeline of workers, ensure greater equity of opportunity for all students, and close wage and wealth gaps, a key focus should be on programs that provide pathways for high school students to […]
May 5, 2022

Raising the high school graduation standard

In Massachusetts, students must earn a passing score on the grade 10 MCAS in English Language Arts and math, and on one of the high school science tests, in order to meet the state’s high school graduation requirement. This policy […]
October 14, 2021

MBAE Releases Discussion Paper on P-TECH: A Timely Opportunity for Massachusetts?

Today, MBAE is releasing a discussion paper, The P-TECH Model of Early College High School: A Timely Opportunity for Massachusetts? The paper dives into the details of the roles of key stakeholders in launching and sustaining a P-TECH initiative, the results […]
September 30, 2021

Call to Action: Go Big with Federal Funding to Drive Education Transformation

The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education is calling on state and local leaders to aggressively pursue bold improvements in our schools using unprecedented federal dollars and increased state funding in order to: Accelerate the closing of racial and socioeconomic achievement […]
March 25, 2021

Join Us on April 8 for Beyond Reopening: What Will it Take to Address Student Needs and Accelerate Learning

Please join us on April 8 at 1:00pm EDT for: Beyond Reopening: What Will it Take to Address Student Needs and Accelerate Learning? As some students begin to return to in-person instruction, many will re-enter with serious social-emotional and academic needs […]
February 25, 2021

MBAE Statement on Getting Students Back in the Classroom

The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education supports Commissioner Riley’s move to get students back in the classroom in April. There is no replacement for in-person learning and it should be pursued vigorously when and where safe. This strong state action […]