College and Career Readiness

November 20, 2017

MBAE’s Take on Transition in Lawrence; New MCAS Results

In this issue: MBAE’s Take on the Transition in Lawrence | MCAS Scores May Signify We’re on the Right Track | Members in Action: IBM’s Free Math Tool for Teachers | In the News A new analysis from the D.C.-based […]
October 11, 2017

Prep Students for Success; MBAE Adds Board Members

In this issue: Preparing Students for Success | Business Groups Oppose Testing Moratorium, Rollback of Education Reforms | MBAE Elects Four New Board Members | In the News In meetings and at forums over the past several months, the consistent […]
July 25, 2017

MBAE Position on Proposed Increases in State Education Funding

July 25, 2017 – The legislature is considering bills that would dramatically increase state funding for K-12 schools.  Yet, our problem is not just how much money is allocated, but also how money is spent.  Our current school funding system […]
July 12, 2017

Job Opportunities Grow, Schools Must Respond

In Massachusetts, most new jobs between 2010 and 2020 will require more than a high school diploma.  High school graduates should be well-prepared to pursue opportunities in our fastest growing fields. A Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation job trends report released […]
June 22, 2017

Fair Share and Education Funding

In this issue:  School Funding Debate Underway on Beacon Hill | Other Items of Interest A Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation job trends report released this month finds that the industry will need to fill 11,600 additional jobs by 2022.  Biotech-related […]
May 26, 2017

Biz Groups Take Action

In this issue:  Business Groups Take Action on Senate Budget Amendments | MBAE Celebrates and Thanks Former and Outgoing Board Members | Other Items of Interest As MBAE’s Affiliate Network and partners mobilized this week to ensure that EVERY student […]
January 31, 2017

Changes Would Weaken Teacher Evaluation

A proposed change to the state’s teacher evaluation regulations would substantially weaken them and make it harder to achieve the critical goal of ensuring every student in the Commonwealth is taught by a highly effective teacher every year. In written […]
November 17, 2016

2016 MA Employer Survey on Education and Workforce Readiness

The MassINC Polling Group conducted three focus groups and an online survey of business executives in Massachusetts on the topic of public education and workforce readiness.  The survey was distributed by more than 40 business associations across the state to […]
October 24, 2016

Digital Literacy: An Essential Skill for the 21st Century

MBAE, through Future Ready Massachusetts, is committed to digital equity in our schools to make sure every student acquires the knowledge and skills to access and use technology, computers and the Internet. Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary […]
May 20, 2016

Challenge Filling Jobs

In this issue:  MBAE Members in Action | News Worth Highlighting “In the first five years of the 2010 Challenge, we’ve learned that creating jobs is not the constraint; filling them is.  Massachusetts companies cannot fill current open job requisitions […]
March 23, 2016

Harvard Study Shows Educator Support for Common Core

“I firmly believe that the Common Core State Standards provide a strong foundation for a high quality STEM education,” Revere High School math teacher Will Schwartz, also a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teaching Fellowship, told the […]
January 28, 2016

Common Core Ballot Question Threatens Student Progress

Flying mostly under the radar in recent months, the ballot measure that would repeal the Common Core has escaped the close examination it deserves.  If passed, it would have a devastating impact on Massachusetts schools, upending every district in the […]
November 12, 2015

Time to Move to PARCC

The Mass Board of Elementary and Secondary Education will make a major decision regarding standardized testing for the Commonwealth next Tuesday, November 17th. Massachusetts led standards-based education reform twenty years ago by establishing the highest set of education standards in the […]
August 20, 2015

Independence: A Recommendation for School Reform

As we celebrate Independence Day, many school districts are bringing on new leaders who have plans and ambitions for improving the education opportunities for students in their communities.  The Superintendent’s job is a tough one – demanding the skill of a diplomat, […]
November 7, 2014

Business Stake in Education for US Competitiveness

At Harvard Business School the faculty leads the U.S. Competitiveness Project which is “…a research-led effort to understand and improve the competitiveness of the United States – that is, the ability of firms operating in the U.S. to compete successfully […]
July 14, 2014

New Standards Require a New Assessment

The early deadline for districts’ to choose giving the PARCC test or the now 17-year-old MCAS exam next school year has passed. As of June 30th, 297 districts have made a binding decision of which assessment to administer next spring […]