Education Reform

December 10, 2023

Accelerating Student Learning: The Need for Urgency and Innovation

The pandemic has had a deeply negative effect on learning across whole communities in Massachusetts for all students—regardless of racial/ethnic background, family income, or other factors. In certain communities, the percentage of students experiencing significant learning loss is quite large. […]
September 6, 2023

Joint Statement Responding to MCAS Ballot Measure Certification

The following is a joint statement in response to the Attorney General’s decision to certify the ballot question that will eliminate MCAS as a high school graduation requirement from the following: Edward M. Lambert Jr., Executive Director, Massachusetts Business Alliance […]
July 11, 2023

MBAE Remains Committed to the MCAS High School Graduation Standard

The Massachusetts Business Alliance continues to support the requirement that students meet an MCAS standard in order to graduate from high school. The MCAS holds us all accountable for recognizing that all students can achieve if provided the right supports. […]
February 2, 2023

New Legislation Would Build Education Pathways, Grow Skilled Workforce, Improve Economic Mobility

Legislation filed by Rep. Chynah Tyler and Sen. John Cronin takes aim at our growing workforce and equity challenges, taking urgently-needed action to bolster student learning and improve economic opportunity. An Act to Create and Expand Student Pathways to Success […]
November 30, 2022

National Experts, Mass. Leaders Agree: Education Pathways Can Grow Skilled Workforce, Improve Economic Mobility

As the new administration of Gov. Maura Healey and Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll take office, how can we expand career connected learning options for all students in Massachusetts? That was the focus of a recent Student Pathways to Success webinar, […]
September 30, 2021

Call to Action: Go Big with Federal Funding to Drive Education Transformation

The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education is calling on state and local leaders to aggressively pursue bold improvements in our schools using unprecedented federal dollars and increased state funding in order to: Accelerate the closing of racial and socioeconomic achievement […]
September 14, 2020

Missing the Mark: How Chapter 70 Education Aid Distribution Benefits Wealthier School Districts and Widens Equity Gaps

An analysis of state education aid distribution by the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce (GBCC) shows Massachusetts distributes more aid to wealthier school districts than the state formula determines they need at […]
September 14, 2020

New Analysis: State education aid widening equity gaps

A new Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education and the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce report on state education aid distribution shows Massachusetts sends more aid to wealthier school districts than the state formula determines they need at the expense of […]
November 7, 2019

MBAE Priorities for a Final School Funding Reform Bill

MBAE sent the following letter to state lawmakers this week as a conference committee debates a final school funding reform bill.  Dear Legislator, The Student Opportunity Act, a bill intended to address funding inequities identified by the Foundation Budget Review […]
October 10, 2019

BayCoast Bank’s President and CEO Joins MBAE Board

Nicholas Christ, President and CEO of BayCoast Bank, was elected to the board of directors of the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE).  BayCoast is a community bank serving SouthCoast Massachusetts and Rhode Island.  Mr. Christ has over 40 years […]
October 2, 2019

Business groups press the Senate to amend the school funding bill

On Thursday, the Massachusetts Senate will debate the most important legislation dealing with our state’s education system in more than twenty-five years.  An Act Relative to Educational Opportunity provides a rare chance to take aggressive action to close persistent gaps […]
August 6, 2019

Biz Asks Commissioner to Ensure New Funds Follow Students

The substantial increase in school funding made in the 2020 budget, the largest increase in Chapter 70 and other state aid for education in over a decade, combined with two previous years of increases, amount to a significant “down payment” […]
July 25, 2019

What impact will the substantial investment in education have for students?

From the Desk of Ed Lambert, Executive Director The state budget passed by the legislature this week will increase school funding by $268.4 million, a substantial investment in our public education system. If this, as many are saying, is the […]
June 20, 2019

School-level funding analysis and searchable database

This MBAE analysis of school-level funding data shows schools that serve similar student populations and spend the same amount per student can achieve dramatically different results with the respect to student performance.  The analysis also shows that although the state […]
June 20, 2019

MBAE Analysis of Newly-Available School Funding Data Shows Little Corellation Between Spending and Outcomes

Analysis also finds that funding within some districts is not distributed equitably MBAE releases tool that allows the public to compare and analyze never-before available school spending data June 19, 2019 – The Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) today […]
June 12, 2019

Business Groups Detail Elements of School Funding Reform Bill

Today, the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education delivered a letter to every legislator with a list of five elements we want to see included in the final school funding reform bill.  The letter was signed by our statewide business partners […]