
May 1, 2024

Opposition to ballot question growing

The state’s special legislative committee analyzing ballot questions decided today not to recommend approval of the ballot question that would eliminate a statewide graduation standard. The decision is the right one. In addition to this committee, the Governor, the Secretary […]
June 22, 2023

Student Pathways to Success Hosts Packed Legislative Briefing

With momentum growing toward expanding career-connected learning options for all Massachusetts students, the Student Pathways to Success coalition last week welcomed legislators, community leaders, and coalition members to a legislative briefing at the State House. The June 15 event, Improving […]
February 2, 2023

New Legislation Would Build Education Pathways, Grow Skilled Workforce, Improve Economic Mobility

Legislation filed by Rep. Chynah Tyler and Sen. John Cronin takes aim at our growing workforce and equity challenges, taking urgently-needed action to bolster student learning and improve economic opportunity. An Act to Create and Expand Student Pathways to Success […]
August 1, 2018

Legislature Fails to Reach Consensus on School Spending

There were high expectations that the legislature would act on findings of the 2015 Foundation Budget Review Commission (FBRC) to adjust the foundation budget for health insurance, special education, English Language Learners and low income students to increase funding by […]
November 20, 2017

MBAE’s Take on Transition in Lawrence; New MCAS Results

In this issue: MBAE’s Take on the Transition in Lawrence | MCAS Scores May Signify We’re on the Right Track | Members in Action: IBM’s Free Math Tool for Teachers | In the News A new analysis from the D.C.-based […]
October 11, 2017

Prep Students for Success; MBAE Adds Board Members

In this issue: Preparing Students for Success | Business Groups Oppose Testing Moratorium, Rollback of Education Reforms | MBAE Elects Four New Board Members | In the News In meetings and at forums over the past several months, the consistent […]
September 12, 2017

Biz groups unite to oppose rollback of ed reforms

MBAE and its 22 Business Affiliates, along with Associated Industries of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation and the Massachusetts Business Roundtable issued a statement today opposing bills that would place a three-year moratorium on statewide standardized testing and gut the […]
July 28, 2017

Computer Science, School Finance and Summer Reading

In this issue: Prevalence of Tech Jobs in MA Requires K-12 Adjustments | School Finance Topic of Joint Committee on Education Hearing | Summer Reading Congratulations to the Boston Public Schools and Boston Afterschool and Beyond for being selected to receive […]
July 25, 2017

MBAE Position on Proposed Increases in State Education Funding

July 25, 2017 – The legislature is considering bills that would dramatically increase state funding for K-12 schools.  Yet, our problem is not just how much money is allocated, but also how money is spent.  Our current school funding system […]
June 22, 2017

Fair Share and Education Funding

In this issue:  School Funding Debate Underway on Beacon Hill | Other Items of Interest A Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation job trends report released this month finds that the industry will need to fill 11,600 additional jobs by 2022.  Biotech-related […]
May 26, 2017

Biz Groups Take Action

In this issue:  Business Groups Take Action on Senate Budget Amendments | MBAE Celebrates and Thanks Former and Outgoing Board Members | Other Items of Interest As MBAE’s Affiliate Network and partners mobilized this week to ensure that EVERY student […]
February 15, 2017

Our Policy Agenda

In this issue:  MBAE 2017-2018 Policy Priorities | Speaker DeLeo’s Early Ed Proposal | Supporting Excellent Teaching As the legislative session gets underway, MBAE shares concerns raised in a Boston Globe Editorial on Sunday about a bill that would roll […]
November 4, 2015

Foundation Budget Review Commission Issues Final Report

The Foundation Budget Review Commission completed its work of the past year and released its recommendations to the legislature on Monday, November 2, 2015. The most significant recommendation was to increase the foundation budget allocation for health insurance by linking […]
March 24, 2014

The New Opportunity to Lead

In the Constitution adopted in 1780 and in force today, the people of Massachusetts recognized that the “opportunities and advantages of education” were “necessary for the preservation of their rights had liberties,” and directed the representatives of the people to […]
June 7, 2012

Legislature Should Act to Avoid Ballot Fight

It is good news that Stand for Children and the Massachusetts Teachers Association have come up with a legislative proposal that both organizations can support to address the issues raised in Stand’s Great Teachers Great Schools ballot initiative. MBAE joined […]