
March 23, 2016

Harvard on Common Core

In this issue:  Harvard Study Shows Educator Support for Common Core | MBAE Supports Vocational-Technical Education Proposals | News Worth Highlighting “I firmly believe that the Common Core State Standards provide a strong foundation for a high quality STEM education,” […]
January 27, 2016

Common Core and Other Hot Topics

In this issue:  Common Core Ballot Question Threatens Student Progress | Beacon Hill Focus on Education | Helping Mentors Prepare Kids for College/Career MBAE, through our Future Ready initiative, is a proud member of the Alliance for Vocational Technical Education, […]
December 17, 2015

New Responsibilities and Opportunities

In this issue:  State education policy grows more important | MCAS 2.0 and a new resource for parents | Looking ahead As 2015 comes to a close, we want to thank you – our readers, supporters, partners and friends – […]