
June 27, 2018

Increasing Access and Equity in Computer Science

The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) has taken long overdue action to expand access to computer science with a vote at its June 26 meeting letting districts count computer science courses for graduation.  The courses must include rigorous […]
June 27, 2018

Ed Secretary Meets with MBAE Affiliates

MBAE affiliates met with Secretary of Education Jim Peyser on Wednesday to discuss affiliate priorities and the Baker Administration’s agenda, in a discussion that focused on empowering educators to drive school improvement, increasing student exposure to growing industries while still […]
June 25, 2018

Creating Opportunities for Students to Earn Industry Recognized Credentials in HS

In an opening presentation at work+EDU, a June 20th conference in Boston focused on bridging the gap between education and jobs, WorkingNation president Jane Oates showed how the demands of the workforce are changing at an unprecedented pace and remarked […]
May 29, 2018

Closing the Skills Gap with Credentials

New Regional Labor Market Blueprints created for the Regional Workforce Skills Planning Initiative by teams of educators, workforce and labor market development professionals in seven regions across Massachusetts identify workforce trends and challenges as well as growth strategies for key […]
March 1, 2018

Expanding Access to Career Vocational Technical Education

MBAE is a member of the Alliance for Vocational Technical Education (AVTE), a broad-based association of diverse partners from across Massachusetts that seeks to increase access to high quality vocational education for middle and high school students in the Commonwealth—a […]
November 20, 2017

MBAE’s Take on Transition in Lawrence; New MCAS Results

In this issue: MBAE’s Take on the Transition in Lawrence | MCAS Scores May Signify We’re on the Right Track | Members in Action: IBM’s Free Math Tool for Teachers | In the News A new analysis from the D.C.-based […]
October 11, 2017

Prep Students for Success; MBAE Adds Board Members

In this issue: Preparing Students for Success | Business Groups Oppose Testing Moratorium, Rollback of Education Reforms | MBAE Elects Four New Board Members | In the News In meetings and at forums over the past several months, the consistent […]
July 28, 2017

Computer Science, School Finance and Summer Reading

In this issue: Prevalence of Tech Jobs in MA Requires K-12 Adjustments | School Finance Topic of Joint Committee on Education Hearing | Summer Reading Congratulations to the Boston Public Schools and Boston Afterschool and Beyond for being selected to receive […]
July 12, 2017

Job Opportunities Grow, Schools Must Respond

In Massachusetts, most new jobs between 2010 and 2020 will require more than a high school diploma.  High school graduates should be well-prepared to pursue opportunities in our fastest growing fields. A Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation job trends report released […]
June 22, 2017

Fair Share and Education Funding

In this issue:  School Funding Debate Underway on Beacon Hill | Other Items of Interest A Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation job trends report released this month finds that the industry will need to fill 11,600 additional jobs by 2022.  Biotech-related […]
May 26, 2017

Biz Groups Take Action

In this issue:  Business Groups Take Action on Senate Budget Amendments | MBAE Celebrates and Thanks Former and Outgoing Board Members | Other Items of Interest As MBAE’s Affiliate Network and partners mobilized this week to ensure that EVERY student […]
November 17, 2016

2016 MA Employer Survey on Education and Workforce Readiness

The MassINC Polling Group conducted three focus groups and an online survey of business executives in Massachusetts on the topic of public education and workforce readiness.  The survey was distributed by more than 40 business associations across the state to […]
October 24, 2016

Digital Literacy: An Essential Skill for the 21st Century

MBAE, through Future Ready Massachusetts, is committed to digital equity in our schools to make sure every student acquires the knowledge and skills to access and use technology, computers and the Internet. Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary […]
May 20, 2016

Challenge Filling Jobs

In this issue:  MBAE Members in Action | News Worth Highlighting “In the first five years of the 2010 Challenge, we’ve learned that creating jobs is not the constraint; filling them is.  Massachusetts companies cannot fill current open job requisitions […]
March 23, 2016

Harvard Study Shows Educator Support for Common Core

“I firmly believe that the Common Core State Standards provide a strong foundation for a high quality STEM education,” Revere High School math teacher Will Schwartz, also a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Robert Noyce Teaching Fellowship, told the […]
February 24, 2016

Workforce Challenges

In this issue:  Public Comment on Draft Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards | MCAS 2.0 – Stakeholder Input | Financial Literacy Summit A recent Boston Globe story underscores the critical need for reinvention of our K-12 education system. Baby […]