
January 28, 2016

Common Core Ballot Question Threatens Student Progress

Flying mostly under the radar in recent months, the ballot measure that would repeal the Common Core has escaped the close examination it deserves.  If passed, it would have a devastating impact on Massachusetts schools, upending every district in the […]
November 7, 2014

Business Stake in Education for US Competitiveness

At Harvard Business School the faculty leads the U.S. Competitiveness Project which is “…a research-led effort to understand and improve the competitiveness of the United States – that is, the ability of firms operating in the U.S. to compete successfully […]
July 14, 2014

New Standards Require a New Assessment

The early deadline for districts’ to choose giving the PARCC test or the now 17-year-old MCAS exam next school year has passed. As of June 30th, 297 districts have made a binding decision of which assessment to administer next spring […]
March 24, 2014

The New Opportunity to Lead

In the Constitution adopted in 1780 and in force today, the people of Massachusetts recognized that the “opportunities and advantages of education” were “necessary for the preservation of their rights had liberties,” and directed the representatives of the people to […]
August 29, 2013

Debate Over Science Standards Continues

According to the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, Massachusetts’ current state science standards are “clearly superior” to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) which were issued earlier this year.  The Fordham report spurred a counter-statement by the National Science Teachers Association […]
August 27, 2013

Start Early with STEM

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education is a critical component to developing a globally competitive workforce.  Business leaders across industries agree:  Investing to ensure a pipeline of workers skilled in STEM competencies is a workforce issue, an economic development […]
April 23, 2013


Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM) announced on April 12 that it will honor the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) with its Legacy of Leadership Award at the association’s 98th annual meeting on May 10th, in recognition of MBAE’s 25 […]
October 9, 2012

Finnish Culture’s Influence on Education System

This guest post by Massachusetts State Representative Jennifer Benson is another in a series by members of the Massachusetts Education Delegation as they tour Finland. After 2 days, 2 school visits and a meeting at the National Board of Education I have […]
October 2, 2012

Teacher Sets High Expectations For Students

This post is part of a series by Teach for America corps members teaching in Massachusetts schools. Throughout elementary and middle school, my dad often dropped me off in the carpool line.  And each morning, before he let me say […]
September 11, 2012

Readiness for Workforce a Shared Responsibility

In his opinion column in The New York Times, Tom Friedman wrote again about how the game has changed and how Americans have to be prepared for new jobs and new technologies. The broader theme he often touts is that the […]
June 27, 2012

Reports Spotlight Need to Better Prepare Students for Careers

Reports Spotlight Need to Better Prepare Students for Careers Education is an economic issue. Simply put, today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce. Two reports released yesterday offer compelling proof that despite strong academic gains over the past twenty years, too many […]
April 24, 2012

An Opposing View on Raising the Dropout Age

The Boston Private Industry Council (PIC) has been a leading business advocate for dropout prevention and recovery for many years.  MBAE is proud to have been an ally of the PIC on this and other issues and we have deep […]
January 23, 2012

The Critical Role of Community Colleges in Workforce Development

The connection between education and economic development is one that employers have emphasized for many years.  In fact, it is the reason MBAE exists – to provide every child the excellent education they need to prepare for the demanding jobs of an […]
August 22, 2011

Mass STEM Plan a Model for Others

Last week, the National Governor’s Association convened the “Massachusetts Learning Lab for Developing a State STEM Plan” in Boston. STEM “Teams” from nine states attended to share experiences and learn from Massachusetts to develop strategies for developing and implementing STEM […]
December 28, 2010

New Report: Poor Education Can Prevent Entry to Military

We have long known that an inadequate education prevents far too many young people in this country from getting into college and attaining a job with decent pay.  A surprising new study finds it also blocks another critical pathway to […]
October 21, 2010

Business Coalition Gets Results on STEM

In June of 2009, fifteen business and technology associations in Massachusetts joined to form the STEM Business Leaders’ Coalition and released a groundbreaking report, “Tapping Massachusetts’ Potential:  The Massachusetts’ Employers’ STEM Agenda.”  At the urging of EMC Corporation, the group, […]
October 18, 2010

Do we need more college grads?

One of the most important education reports of recent months is Projection of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018,  by Anthony Carnevale, Nicole Smith, and Jeff Strohl, from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workplace. The study argues that […]